BANTAM barnevelder cockrel - just started to crow - EAST TN Pickup


It's all about the Dels!
9 Years
10 Years
Jan 24, 2010
Englewood, TN
This is one of my available bantam barnevelder cockrels. (sorry for the bad picture. I can take more if you are interested) They were hatched just before Thanksgiving and have started to crow, so some of them need to go before we get fights on our hands.

We will be selling 3 of this age group at the Madisonville trade. This is a opertunity for someone to get them ahead of time or have me hold them. I realize not everyone can make it to the trade since it is so early in the morning.

Bantam Barnevelders are even more rare than the standards. Very cute. VERY SOFT! Like a rabbit.

The breed lays a fairly dark brown egg and are double laced. These are double laced partridge. The eggs from the hens are pretty big for bantams... the larger ones will rival a leghorns in size.

Pick up only on chicks and started birds. We are in Englewood, TN but can meet you in Athens or Sweetwater to keep you from having to go far off the interstate.

If you are serious about picking up a bird, please understand that I do not hold a bird without a payment. I have had problems with sales through craigslist... people saying they will get the bird and then never comming. Meanwhile I turn away everyone after that and still have the bird(s). So, because of that, I have to ask for a paypal payment to reserve the cockrel.

The sale is March 6th, if you are interested in attending. We will be there around 7:30/8:00am and stay for about a hour to a hour and a half.

Like I mentioned above, we accept paypal only for this listing. Otherwise, we will be taking cash in person March 6th at the Madisonville, TN trade. YOU DO NOT NEED A PAYPAL ACCOUNT TO PAY WITH PAYPAL.
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