Bantam cochin and silkie... genders?


15 Years
Jan 7, 2009
Central Pennsyltucky
I'll have to get pictures, but until I snap some, edit and get them uploaded, can you even sex them at about 5 weeks? If I remember correctly, the silkies are a pain in the butt to sex. I'll try to get pictures.
Alright, they're about 6 weeks old or so. I have shots of the cochin, but haven't updated the silkie shots.

Excuse the hospital slipper socks and the bright green jammies (hey, it's about midnight, I'm allowed!)



Please, please tell me this is a pullet! Lol. I can't keep roos, and this Vulture Bird is my little buddy, despite trying not to get attached in case of the whole roo deal.
I agree. It's a girl. I have 12 frizzle Cochins that are 7 weeks old and it was pretty easy to tell at about 3 weeks. One of my roos tried to crow this morning!.
That's definitley a girl. We just got two bantams and our boy
was clearly a boy at about three weeks. Here are some pictures of our ours to help you compare.

Here they are at 7 weeks



Yippie! Thanks guys! I love this bird and I was worrying the whole time, hoping it wouldn't turn out to be a boy that we'd have to get rid of.
I'm glad I get to keep her, and I'm sure our son will be too (she's the only bird that will let him touch her).
Yup, girl. I have a brooder full of one month old boys downstairs and it's very obvious, though they aren't crowing, yet. Red bigger combs and wattles.

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