Bantam Columbian Cochins from WV. ***Closed for the Season***


Fancy Banties
11 Years
May 8, 2008
Sharpsburg, MD.
These are really nice birds. They are from champion bloodlines and Im sure will produce beautiful babies. Im offering 6+ eggs (whatever they produce in a week) I have two hens with my roo so they're fertile myrtle but I don't have a lot. My hens are every other dayers so you're looking at 6 - 8 eggs.

Price: $25 which includes shipping and handling.



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ooooooooooo i have a bantam columbian wyandotte and she is gorgouse, i really want a cochin.... hmmmm .. i have temptation problems lol, i love your birds, absalutely beautiful
Would you consider a swap for some of my bantam cochin eggs? I have blue, splash and lavender. I have 5 right now and can add what I get in the next couple of days.

I'll swap you some barred rock eggs, button quail eggs, EE eggs.....whatever you want, lol!! Those are beautiful!!! I am with Marie, wanna swap?
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Thanks so much. I'll tell them tonight when I tuck them in. hehehehe.

I'd love to get to swappin but I don't have any room for more birds. I live in a small neighborhood on a 1/3 acre lot. My neighbors are already givin me the eye sometimes.

Wait til my two mottled hens come in November

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