Bantam - White Wynadote??


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 28, 2013
We have this bantam chick. We purchased it from an assorted bin at TSC. Looks like we have four Old English Bantams and this little one. In the first picture, it is one week old and in the 2nd picture, it is three weeks old. Looks to have a pea comb with a small type horn on top. Is this a Bantam White Wynadotte? It is feathering much slower than the Old English ones.

This last pic is our conversation piece with people. That is our 7 week old barred rock that refuses to feather. We think is has frizzle mixed in.
Looks like its going to be blue or lavender. Are the feather not frizzled they look a bit curly on the second photo?

Not sure about the BR, its a strange looking beast!
Maybe, but it could also be a self blue OEGB.

Looks like its going to be blue or lavender. Are the feather not frizzled they look a bit curly on the second photo?

Not sure about the BR, its a strange looking beast!
I am new to chickens so trying to learn all I can. For old English Game Bantams, do they all have single combs or can they have pea combs too? This little chick has a wide, bumpy comb.

The feathers are curly on the ends unlike the other chicks in with it (excluding the crazy looking Barred Rock).
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It sounds like it has a rose comb. Wyandottes are slow to feather in. It could be a Columbian Wyandotte. Watch to see if it gets some black around the neck and tail feathers. If it has a pea comb which is similar it could be a Cornish.
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