

12 Years
Oct 4, 2008
Are Bantams always so spunky ? My babies are a hoot. They go from totally at rest to zoom. Sometimes they hop up and spin around and then take off. Lots of fun.
Mine do that too!
I'm guessing it is. Alot of the bantam breeds think they're "all that" and "tough guys" some bantams roosters can even make a standard rooster go running
Hi Brad,
I had chickens, RRs about 20 years ago and am just getting back into them again. My first batch from McMurray are about 6 weeks old now. In that group I have 3 Barred Rocks, 1 Anacona, 1 Black Manorca, 1 Leghorn, 1 Red Star, 2 Silver Wyandotts, Araucanas and something else that I am not sure about. I got their rainbow layer mix and shared them with a friend. Ten days ago I got my second batch from Ideal. I got 5 Golden Lace Wyandottes, 4 Ameraucanas, 4 Blcak Australorps, and 9 Straight run assorted Bantams. I am having so much fun watching them grow and change. In the first group my favorites are the Red Star, I named Red, 2 of the BR, one is tiny named, Thumbalina, and the other a real cuddler, unamed as yet. One of the Banties in the new group is the favorite. He or she, not sure yet, was limping badly the first day and chirping in distress. I separated her form the others and gave her another bantie friend. By the third day she was much better. By the fifth normal. I put her back with the other Banties. I have kept the standards and the banties apart so none of the banties get hurt.
Stacey that is what I've heard. Can't wait to see how they turn out.

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