Banty crosses (mille fleurs and...)


Green Eggs and Hamlet
12 Years
Jul 7, 2007
Middle TN
What happens when you mix up mille fleur d'uccles and silkies? Do you get fuzzy chickens with spots?
What about mille fleur d'uccle and a standard EE? Are the spots dominant or recessive?

I just seperated my flock into seperate herds and one group has the mille fleur roo. Don't know that I"d hatch anything, but I was curious as to what they'd look like.

F1 (first generation) will be smooth feathered, grey skinned with walnut comb and possible 5 toes. If you take the F1 and cross with the silkie you should get silkie feathered babies but they may not be as "fluffy" as quality bred silkies are. You could also cross the F1 with F1 and get some silkie feathering and some that aren't.

For an example (sort of), I crossed:


and got one smooth feathered baby and one silkie feathered but not near the quality feathering as a full silkie. Both chicks had feathered feet and 5 toes (although the separation was not that great on between the 4th & 5th toe). However, the skin coloring is red instead of dark like the silkie. The rooster came from a hatchery, so he's an accidental mix of what I suspected to be a silkie and an OEGB. I'll try and get pictures of the chicks, since they're fully feathered now, and post them.
Cool! Isn't he a funny looking guy!

How does the coloring cross? If I cross a white silkie with a mille fleur will the white be dominant (no pattern) or will the black/white spots appear (patterning)? What about a blue silkie x mf?

Are there patterned silkies? I've only seen pure colored ones. Is there a barred silkie (although with the fuzzy feathers the barring would be funky...)?
There are cuckoo silkies that are barred. The silkie feathered chick I got from my pair is barred (which he inherited from dad). What's weird is the barring should be dominate and it's not with him.
That's something I need to ask when I get pictures of his offspring.

Barring is dominate from the male side, but if the female is barred only her sons will inherit the barring and the babies will be solid (usually black or blue with colors leaching into the hackles depending on what color rooster you used).

I'm not sure how the patterns would be manipulated. I'm pretty good with the barring gene but that's the end of my experience.
I haven't tried any other pattern to solid crosses.
Here's a little extra help for the genetics gurus out there. CityGirl has a black Silkie hen and a white Silkie hen that she is wondering about with the cross to the Mille Fleur D'Uccle Roo. That is right, isn't it, CityGirl?

Here are my completely uneducated guesses about color on those crosses: If the white Silkie is dominant white, all offspring will be white. If the white Silkie is recessive white, all offspring will be black in the first generation.

Crossing the Millie Fleur Roo with the Black hen will give black offspring.

I have no idea how feather type is passed genetically.

As for the EE hens, hmm... They are crazy colored. I'm not sure how to even classify the colors. Maybe a pic or two would help. And besides, everybody loves pictures!
Ooooo, I love pictures too. Here we go then...

This is the roo in question with his mille fleur hen-


This is Shorty the blue silkie-

And Fifi the white silkie-

Both girls heading for bed-

My big question is the spangling. Is it dominant or recessive? I would expect that the silkie feather type would cross at least partially. The offspring perhaps would be sort of silkied. Dunno.
It seems to make sense that the white silkie would have variations on white offsping. Wouldn't it be fun to have white offspring with the black spangling? They'd be little dalmation chickens!
The blue silkie is another wild card, right? Blue can throw blue, black or splash, correct? So who knows what Shorty and Spot will make together. Freakish little babies, I'm sure.
Just to make life fun, these are the two EEs living in Spot's camp. I suppose if I let them, they could pop out chickies too. This, of course, is a purely theoretical conversation as my girls are never, ever going to lay eggs.


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