Banty Roosters Facing Off!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jul 24, 2011
In early August we succumbed to the impulse purchase of four bantam chickens. They were the end of season clearance chicks at $1 a piece. How could we resist? Turns out that two of the four are roosters. They've been feeling their oats lately. Pepper and Clover get into little skirmishes trying to determine who the head roo will be. I wish I'd been a little faster on the draw to frame this shot better. That's Clover on the left hidden by the upright. Pepper is the one straight on who looks like he's doing karate.

As long as there is no bloodshed or fighting for sport on the owner's behalf, there is nothing wrong with letting two roosters decide pecking order. Great photo shot regardless!
I would say that 95 percent of the time they're content around each other - snuggled up on the roost together, etc. Of course they're not fully mature yet, so time will tell!
Banties crack me up! So much ego in such a small package! And the crowing.....
we run several roosters together and they have a few squirmishes but for the most part each runs with a band of girls, usually the ones they were raised with. I check closley to see that no one is getting hurt. Banties BIG rooster in little body!!
we have three banty roos and they are larger in their own minds than they are physically, they crack me up when they challenge each other.
great photo, thanks for sharing.

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