

11 Years
Mar 10, 2012
Hohenwald, TN
Is this a Barnevelder?
It looks like a Barnevelder to me. It's been about 15 years since I've raised any but that looks pretty spot on for a Barnie chick. You'll get to look forward to a gorgeous bird whether it is a cockerel or pullet, although I'd lean towards cockerel.

Barnevelder Flock 1.jpg
Barnevelder Flock.jpg
Barnevelder Hen.jpg
Barnevelder Rooster 1.jpg
Barnevelder Rooster.jpg
It looks like a Barnevelder to me. It's been about 15 years since I've raised any but that looks pretty spot on for a Barnie chick. You'll get to look forward to a gorgeous bird whether it is a cockerel or pullet, although I'd lean towards cockerel.

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Beautiful birds!! 😍😍 I'm leaning towards roo too! I got it from TSC in the pullet bin...oh well I'll love he or she anyways
I have a Barnevelder I believe too and I am wondering why many of you believe it to be a Roo? Is it because of the comb be pronounced already or something else. Mine is 4 wks and has a comb (yellow/orange not on red side yet) and waddles showing same color as comb. I am unsure if it a hen or rooster. Some ideas to look for would help.

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