barred rock, 4 months, is this a hen almost ready to lay or a roo?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 11, 2014
Long Island

This is Sandora, she is very talkative, but no crowing. Her waddle just showed up today. No crowing. I have a roo in the flock. No laying yet, this is my first flock of chickens.

This is Sandora at 8 weeks.

This is her sister coal at 4 months, the only reason why I am wondering if Sandora is a roo. Coal's comb and waddle are not as developed.

Agree on pullet. You're hitting the time when some are going to start maturing faster, some not as much. She's just ahead of the curve and will likely be your first layer.
Update! Sandora is def at hen. At 19 weeks she laid two eggs in one day. Both were a bit odd. One had no yolk and the other, well she did not know I suppose what happened. Because she laid on her roost, it got smashed. woops.

5 days later she laid another egg in her nesting box. Beautiful light brown medium egg. Thank you all for your comments!

Guess she developed quicker than the other seven, 20 wk olds hens I have. Very cool.
Update! Sandora is def at hen. At 19 weeks she laid two eggs in one day. Both were a bit odd. One had no yolk and the other, well she did not know I suppose what happened. Because she laid on her roost, it got smashed. woops.

5 days later she laid another egg in her nesting box. Beautiful light brown medium egg. Thank you all for your comments!

Guess she developed quicker than the other seven, 20 wk olds hens I have. Very cool.

Congratulations on those eggs. Good luck in getting many more. :eek:)

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