barred rock chicks-sex


In the Brooder
11 Years
Mar 21, 2008
Does anyone know how to tell the difference between the male and female barred rock chicks?
We almost need a sticky on sexing this breed since they are one that can be color sexed almost all the time, LOL. I think this is my #1 question. I did PM kray, but here is the answer. Three traits must be taken together to get about a 90% accuracy in sexing Barred Rock chicks before they even feather out.

Cockerel: large, irregular, splotchy headspot PLUS little to no dark color down the leg fronts PLUS overall more silvery color like someone sprinkled flour over it's black down.

Pullet: smaller and/or defined headspot PLUS dark wash of color down the leg fronts to the toes PLUS very black down.

When they begin to feather out, you'll see the white bars on the cockerel are wider, giving him an overall lighter appearance than the pullet.
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See I told you she was an expert.
I just wish there was some way to KNOW!!! Obviously even the experts get mixed up, as not all of my sexed pullets have been female. *sigh* Stubborn little chicklets.

I hope you don't mind an extra BR question on your thread? If mine has a small, well defined head spot, nice, dark, black, down, but lightly dark legs, what traits are more sure? I am sure hoping she is a girl.
Sounds like a pullet. There are varying degrees of dark on the leg fronts. So many are familiar with my hen, Lexie, a prime example of the 10% who break the sexing rules. Large splotchy headspot, lighter color, lighter legs. Still, a pullet. She and Ivy, her only brooder mate at the time, looked like a matched pullet/cockerel pair. The only thing was she did not develop a large comb and wattles by even 12 weeks and her long roosterly tail feathers molted out and suddenly, she looked like a pullet for the first time, although a little lighter than many.
Does the same identification hold tru for barred rock crossed with other breeds? My roos are barred rock but I have crosses of Ameraucana and RIR hens.
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