Barred Rock Cockerel - Philomath Oregon **ADOPTED!**


Queen of the Zoo
11 Years
Mar 31, 2008
Philomath, Oregon
We were given the wrong sexing information at the feed store (and stupidly we didn't research before hand) and Speckledhen has confirmed that we ended up with a Barred Rock cockerel. He is 1 week old now and has been handled since the day we got him. He is already protective of his "girls" and I think is going to make a really nice rooster. We would like to find him a good home where he is wanted for a flock not a dinner table.

I will deliver in the local area if needed. Please reply and/or PM if interested.

Edited to add Local only, no shipping.


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Very interested in your cockerel if you can ship him. I would be willing and able to pay for any shipping involved. He would be loved here and would be joining our new flock of Barred Rock pullets coming the end of April. I hope he would do well on his own for a couple weeks but a little boy wasnt available when we ordered thru the Agway here and he would be a perfect addition.
I PM'd you and also posted a thread about how to go about shipping a chick. This is new territory for me so I want to make sure I know what I'm doing before I commit. I would be so happy if he could go to a home like yours but I want to make sure he lives to get to it!
shipping a single chick is not feasible, it would freeze, I would encourage you to try to find someone closer
Thank you. I appreciate you replying. As I said, I have never even ventured into learning about shipping chicks so had no idea. I will keep looking. Sorry Rocks
I know he would have had a good home but I do not want to risk his life. It's hard to not get attached to these little guys even when you don't want to.
I completly understand. I would never want something as poor as freezing to happen to a chick. Or anything else for that matter. We will keep an eye out localy for a little guy.

Thank you klf73 for the input.
you're welcome
there was just another thread about 3- 3 week old chicks not making a trip
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Thank you everyone for the input and for understanding Rock. I know he would have had a good home with you.

Good news: He was just adopted and is going to his new home tonight. He will be living with 28 1 1/2 week old chicks (mostly pullets). I think he's going to be one happy boy

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