Barred Rock Limping


Can't stick with a Title
10 Years
Jul 5, 2009
My barred rock Peanut has been limping. She doesnt have any scrathes, and we dont think she has been injured, what should i do?
My EE was doing the same thing for the last two weeks now and what I was told was to try vitamins or letting them out for some grass (if you have some around). I let them out to some of the little bit of grass we had available and she is not acting normal again
I also gave her a tiny bit of polyvisol too. I could not find anything wrong with her foot she was limping on at all. But this seemed to have worked. Being cooped up over the winter she hasn't had the normal vitamins she was used to. Seems the sicknesses seem to always come in the winter
Good luck! Hope you find whatever it is that is bothering her.
Check her for bumblefoot. If that's not it I'd just keep an eye on her. Now and again one of mine will do that, I think sometimes they just come off the roost wrong and get a minor sprain.

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