In the Brooder
- Jul 28, 2021
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Hi guys first time posting in here. We just got chickens this spring and we are trying our best to absorb all the knowledge that is out there. In early May we purchased 7 Barred rock that were supposed to be 4 months and that they originated from a hatchery. 2 of those have turned out to be roosters. The bigger of the 2 roos is obviously dominant over his lighter brother. In fact we thought he was a pullet as he was dark like our hens. In the last month he has developed red/yellow streaks on his hackles and a red feather on one wing. At this point thinking he is not full Barred Rock and has some mystery genes in him. Curious if this coloration is normal. if it is common I am guessing it not preferred to see in the line. Hoping to hatch from these guys next Spring and I want to keep them "pure" barred rocks.