I purchased Bellatrix from the local Farm & Garden store. As I browsed through the redneck rig they had set up to contain chicks, I found her. She was in a cage with a label on it that had been scratched out. I didn't pay much attention to it as it had been crossed through, but it listed some chicken breed I didn't know. Another label was beside it and said "Rainbow Pullets".
Mind here, I don't know anything about chicks. She is my first, and I've been following along with all the guidelines and she's doing well.
I picked her out and put her in her temporary jail cell and went to the counter to pay. I asked the sales clerk what breed she was, if indeed she was the Rainbow as it was secondly labeled. He told me they were Rainbow females, about three days old.
Now mind you here, the cashier seemed to be a little baked, if you get the hint, and I don't honestly know if he even knew where we were let alone what this chick was.
With that I paid my money and brought her home.
She's about four weeks now, and I started researching her. I couldn't find much information of Rainbow Chickens, but came across a couple of pictures that looked like her. They were Barred Rocks.
Hmm... maybe that's what the other label said?
So my question comes to, what breed do you think my chicken is? I have no idea what a Rainbow is supposed to look like since they're just jumbled crosses from what I get.
Researching the Barred Rocks I found that she might be a pullet. She has darker legs, and a black forehead (not the lighter they sometimes describe). She's got all the white stuff on her head that signifies gender too but I can't tell with that.
So, what breed, and any gender ideas?
She (he) is very friendly, active, and outgoing. I don't care what she is, I would just love to know more (and hear any tips or tricks from anyone!)
Mind here, I don't know anything about chicks. She is my first, and I've been following along with all the guidelines and she's doing well.
I picked her out and put her in her temporary jail cell and went to the counter to pay. I asked the sales clerk what breed she was, if indeed she was the Rainbow as it was secondly labeled. He told me they were Rainbow females, about three days old.
Now mind you here, the cashier seemed to be a little baked, if you get the hint, and I don't honestly know if he even knew where we were let alone what this chick was.
With that I paid my money and brought her home.
She's about four weeks now, and I started researching her. I couldn't find much information of Rainbow Chickens, but came across a couple of pictures that looked like her. They were Barred Rocks.
Hmm... maybe that's what the other label said?
So my question comes to, what breed do you think my chicken is? I have no idea what a Rainbow is supposed to look like since they're just jumbled crosses from what I get.
Researching the Barred Rocks I found that she might be a pullet. She has darker legs, and a black forehead (not the lighter they sometimes describe). She's got all the white stuff on her head that signifies gender too but I can't tell with that.
So, what breed, and any gender ideas?
She (he) is very friendly, active, and outgoing. I don't care what she is, I would just love to know more (and hear any tips or tricks from anyone!)
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