Barred Rock X trio for free in OHIO


9 Years
Jun 23, 2015
Because of space and financial reasons, we have had to cut back on the number of chickens we have from 60 to 40 or so. We have found some wonderful homes for many of our chickens but still have a few available.
This autumn my silkie hen hatched out two eggs, both of which are barred. There father was a pure Barred Rock an d there mother was an Easter Egger. While they were parent raised they have learned to come for food and to allow handling to some degree and love to follow around by your feet and take treats from you. Their names are Autumn (a male) and Breeze (appears to be a female but behaves like a male, so I am unsure). They still cheep but are independent from their mother. I have found this cross to be wonderful egg layers in the past, as I had a hen from these same parents who laid nearly ever day even after the Red Stars were tired out. They are hardy and good foragers.
The third barred chicken is a hen, around one and a half years of age, who has the same father but the mother is unknown (perhaps a Red Star). She has the appearance of a Barred Rock and loves to come for treats. Her name is Star and she is a good laying hen and is healthy. The chicks were raised around her, however, she will consider herself the boss over them.

We live near Marysville Ohio and are willing to drive about two hours, including if meeting half-way.

Thank you so much for considering!

Autumn is the larger, lighter colored one and Breeze is the darker, smaller one

Here are examples of an EE X Barred Rock mix rooster and hen (the hen is dust bathing)

This is Star. In the second picture, taken a few months ago, she was missing some feathers because of teenage roosters which we have sense gotten rid of and she has regrown her feathers.
Good luck. Hope you can find them homes. We are trying to do the same thing with our flock right now. :)
Good luck. Hope you can find them homes. We are trying to do the same thing with our flock right now.

Good luck to you too!
I would love to have them if still available. If only Autumn is available, I would be happy to take him. I'm w/o a rooster and really need one. Thanks!
I'm sorry, those individuals are no longer available. However, I do have some young roosters available for free if anyone is interested.

Agent is a Black Giant mix, around 10 weeks of age.

Buttercream, the bird on the right, is a standard x silkie mix. He is also around 10 weeks of age.

Gene is a Light Brahma x Buff Brahma mix I think. He is around 8 weeks of age.

Dastan was hatched last year. He is a silkie mix rooster and a very good one, but I have another bantam rooster that I am using for a breeding project and can no longer keep Dastan. He has Old English Game bantam and Silver Sebright inside of him.

Bubs is a pure Buff Brahma rooster from McMurray hatchery. He was hatched summer of 2015 and was hand-raised but skittish (which is generally a good sign, as those roosters that aren't bold towards people tend to be less aggressive). He is likely the father of a number of the young roosters above.

Rain is a silkie mix rooster that was hatched the day after Christmas last year, so around 6 months of age. His father was a blue silkie and his mother was a white silkie mix (Dastan's sister actually). He looks like a silkie everywhere except that he doesn't have feathered feet, which allows him to walk through damp grass without getting soaking wet. He's also smaller than his father, about half his size right now.

If you are interested in any of them just let me know. Thank you!
I'm sorry, but these roosters have found their homes. However, we do have a handsome part bantam, part standard bird named Iota that I need to rehome. He has a gorgeous blue lacing on lemon colored feathers.

I have a bantam hen that can go with him who is black with double lacing.

Both are under a year old.

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