Batam verses standard laying breeds


11 Years
Aug 9, 2008
Reno Nevada
We moved to another state so I rehomed my 4 girls. I am thinking about raising Batam breeds next spring. Are their personalities the same and make good pet's.? I loved my Austrolorpe, Ameraucan's and Rhode Island Reds. Any comments would be helpful. Thanks Judy
Our Mille Fleur D'Uccle girls are the sweetest little birds. They all like to be held, and hand fed. VERY SPOILED! I would recommend them to anyone.
Do you want true bantams, or just small birds? I have bantamised versions of the large breeds, and I love them. They are tame and friendly and lay almost as well as their big cousins.
I have both, and like people, it depends on the individual. But for the most part, they lay just as well as their larger sisters, and love snuggles just as much.

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