~Battle for Survival~ A African Wild dog Roleplay

Bem examined his son carefully, then when he was finished, stepped away, looking quite pleased. Moriti was very tall for his age, almost as tall as him; his short wiry coat revealing a play of muscle that would not have been possible if he were a little younger; and his molten-brown eyes alert and cautious.

"I'll take this one," he said.

"What is he talking about?" Moriti swung around and looked at his mother; the moonlight making his eyes twinkle in the thickening darkness.

Obi released a low growl. He knew it was no use, but the very sight of Bem was enough to set him off.
Age:1 year (arrives on b'day)
Pack: Chitabe pack
crush:Digger, maybe, if he does not have a mate does he?
Family:all alone
History:Mom and dad abandoned her a week ago and her brothers are killed
Personality:protective, loving, kind, caring, patient, motherly

Other:Very lonely and shy.

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