~Battle for Survival~ A African Wild dog Roleplay

Bem snapped his ears back, his deep, rumbling growl holding the promise of a hunt. "Silence, young pup," he said, menace creeping into his voice. 

Kofi wiggled his hindquarters, aiming himself towards the traitor. You're going to get what you deserved, he thought bitterly before launching himself through the air. Mid-leap Kofi was slammed onto the floor, and left writhing in agony.

"Kofi!" Astrid rushed over to him and gently nudged his face. "Kofi, open your eyes," she whimpered pitifully.

Obi eyes flicked over to Kofi and then back to Bem. Anger bubbled in him and to respond to Bem's comment,he spat,"Make me." He then took a few steps forward in a challenging manor with his tail in the air.
Quote: Foluke butted Obi's shoulder with his head, hard. "Back down little one," he told him sternly. "It's too dangerous to fight him."

Kofi folded his ears back against his head, a low, hungry growl sliding through his bared teeth. With a little effort, he scrambled to his paws, snarled, and reluctantly stalked away from Bem.
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Quote: Digger headed towards the east at a dog-trot. His ears swiveled to pick up every distant crackle of leaves and his nose wiggled to devour all the new scents. He continued on like that for an hour, watching mournfully as the sun sank out of view. When he finally decided to stop for a break, the sky had transformed into an inky black.
Foluke butted Obi's shoulder with his head, hard. "Back down little one," he told him sternly. "It's too dangerous to fight him."

Kofi folded his ears back against his head, a low, hungry growl sliding through his bared teeth. With a little effort, he scrambled to his paws, snarled, and reluctantly stalked away from Bem.

Obi looked at his uncle and obeyed him. He then slowly back away, but gave a glare at Bem.
Bem lifted a brow, pinning Astrid with his fierce mocha-brown eyes. "I'm waiting," he said, practically purring with amusement.

Astrid growled low, black lips quivering. "Fine." She hesitated for a split second before summoning her pups.

Obi whispered to Foluke,"Why are we letting him do this? We could all just take him down now."

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