BC Marans....just not for me. :(


Flock Mistress
12 Years
Feb 28, 2007
South Eastern Indiana
Well.....I have had 2 sets of BC maran eggs...and neither one of them has produced a chick. I know its not my hatching skills...each time the Maran eggs were in the bator with other eggs...the others hatched. NONE of the Marans had even started developing.
Are they harder to hatch or am I just not meant to have BC Marans!?? I just want some pretty dark eggs. SO not fair!
Black Coppers are so much harder tha my RIR chics !! I can hatch 100% on Reds and am lucky to get 65% on Coppers. When they are fertile and start pipping I still have to help out 75% of those they just will not hatch out by themselves.
My last hatch ( last week) I had 2 out of 3 to hatch . A local lady that bought eggs had 3 out of 3 to hatch ( not shipped) She had one of those little yellow incubators that only holds 3 eggs . She had a better hatch rate than my sportsman !!!! Then I have had 4 out of 6 on shipped down to none on shipped so shipping has to play a big part of it. I was very fortunate to have picked mine up as day old chics so I did not have to do the shipping thing.
Oddly then only thing I've been able to get a good hatch from is BCMs.

My Blue Wheaten Ameraucana hatch rate is atrocious. And believe me I've really given it the old college try. So far this year I've had almost 60 in the bator. I now have 5 healthy chicks from 3 different breeders from all over the country. Most arrive with totally blown air cells and never get started. Currently I have MissPrissys BBS Orpingtons and 24 Barnevelders in the bator with my last shipment of BL/WTN Ams. The Orps and Barnies are doing great! The Ams not so much.

I've come to the conclusion that it's very much the luck of the USPS. I've gotten eggs from all over the US and some from the coast arrive in good shape when some from the opposite end of Iowa arrive trashed.
I have to agree with Clay. I have had good and bad hatches on all shipped eggs, including marans. There are just so many factors that play a part that it is very hard to predict what a certain breed will or wont do.
I feel your pain, we ordered BCM eggs. They arrived looking great and not trusting ourselves we put them under a Standard Cochin who was broody.

Huge mistake. She kept a filthy nest, and stomped 3 of the 6 that hatched. Two had infected navels, and eventually we ended up with just one Roo....

It was traumatic.
I have to agree with Clay. I have had good and bad hatches on all shipped eggs, including marans. There are just so many factors that play a part that it is very hard to predict what a certain breed will or wont do.

yep the post office is a gamble at best. I have decided to ask for all my eggs to be marked as "live" I heard that this changes the way they are handled. I am going to see how it works out. I have noticed that all my best hatches were from boxes marked in such a way so I think there is truth to it.

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