Several of you have requested to be on my waiting list for eggs this upcoming spring. I wanted to thank you and let you know that as soon as I have reliable production and have tested fertility you will be contacted asap
I have made a few pics (not very good I might add) so that you could see my young birds. Others wanting to be put on the spring waiting list can contact me with PM's or through this thread.
Thanks and happy hatching!!
I have:
French Black Copper Marans
French Silver Cuckoo Marans
Blue Black Splash Orpingtons
Blue Laced Red Wyandottes
Black Australorps
Buff Orpingtons
Barred Rocks
And an batch of growing chicks that will lay in spring:
English Cuckoo Marans
Splash Giant Cochins
Assorted English and French Marans combined flock
Blue Barred Pocks
I also will be working on a project to get Blue Laced Orpingtons and Red Orpingtons that I am very excited about! This will take some time of course but I will keep everyone posted on my progress
Thanks and happy hatching!!
I have:
French Black Copper Marans
French Silver Cuckoo Marans
Blue Black Splash Orpingtons
Blue Laced Red Wyandottes
Black Australorps
Buff Orpingtons
Barred Rocks
And an batch of growing chicks that will lay in spring:
English Cuckoo Marans
Splash Giant Cochins
Assorted English and French Marans combined flock
Blue Barred Pocks
I also will be working on a project to get Blue Laced Orpingtons and Red Orpingtons that I am very excited about! This will take some time of course but I will keep everyone posted on my progress
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