once there was a little silkie chick,is life was never easy.In the beginning it was comfortable,but then it got cramped and he had to push and peck his way out.that was exhausting work then he got taken to a strange place and got put in with some interesting other birds and also some like by one his fellow flock mates got taken away and more got added,and still he was not picked.And then one day a young featherless being along with another smaller one and a taller one came like had happened before,but to his surprise,theiy picked him and one one other,a young pullet.then came a long bumpy ride and then he got put in a strange box along with the girl,all was fine,he was warm and full.Then tragedy struck,the hot,soothing light went out in the middle of the night!he and the girl snuggled up together in the hope of getting warm,but alas fate did not want the girl to survive,and from the looks of it,fate did not want him to survive either.a couple hours later the medium sized featherless being came out and found the little roo close to death and sadly,the girl chick was dead.The being frantically rushed the little roo into another,larger placed and tucked him into her shirt in an effort to warm him up,then the larger being went out and found another soothing,warm light for him.then the being gently lowered him back down into the box and took the little one,that did not make it, out and buried her.then the being left and a while later another little girl was brought to him!ever since then he has seemed become part derp,the famous chicken.more will be added to his story(he purrs by the way when he is mad)
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