Beer Brewers Left overs for feed?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Feb 24, 2009
Bozeman, MT
I have a local brewery willing to give the left overs from thier process as feed doe some eggs in exchange. Do any of you have experience with this? It would include (at least) cooked malts, barley, and some oats depending on the recipe.
We do supplement our feed with beer mash we get free from a local brewery. Keep in mind this stuff is wet and needs to dry or it will get moldy within just a few days so only take as much as your chickens will eat in a short period of time. Our brewery gave us a schedule of when they brew and we just call when we want to pick it up. We have thought about freezing it for later use but no freezer space. also, keep in mind that it is not a complete diet and does not contain all the minerals your chickies need so only use it as a supplement. I hope this helps.
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Once we have freezer space, I want to pack it into gallon size freezer bags and freeze it. I think that should work for our 22 chickens!
Yes that is what I was thinking. We receive our first batch of 25 in the mail 4-20-09. Trying to wrap our heads around all the info and looking to get the best feed available to keep healthy and away from chemicals .
Bozaman, Mt
I think I'd rather feed my chicken , chicken feed and trade eggs for
Sorry couldnt resist....
You could maybe use the left over beer lees for compost. I dunno. I use my left over wine lees for compost. Before you ask, I aint trading wine for eggs, unless you live close to me then I would probably just give you the wine, age permiting of course.

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