Belgian Bearded d’Anver bantams for spring 2019!


6 Years
Nov 12, 2017
Northwest New Jersey
I was just looking at the website of my breeder. I like to see what he has new to offer. These are so cute and small! My flock are big birds, Orpington, Barred Rock, you get the picture. No way I could add these cuties to the flock. But if you are near northwest NJ and are into tiny ornamental chooks i could give you the link to my breeder. He's taking orders now.
I know this is a bit delayed but would you still be willing to share that website? Does your breeder ship eggs? Thank you!
I don't know if he ships but give him a call. Ray is a really nice guy and has always been very helpful. Tell him I recommended him to you. My name is Crystal Cahill. Good luck!
I was just looking at the website of my breeder. I like to see what he has new to offer. These are so cute and small! My flock are big birds, Orpington, Barred Rock, you get the picture. No way I could add these cuties to the flock. But if you are near northwest NJ and are into tiny ornamental chooks i could give you the link to my breeder. He's taking orders now.

What’s your breeders website?? I love Belgian Bearded D’anvers! My flock is a mixed flock of various standards and Dutch bantams, so any sized bird would fit in with my flock.

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