Berry spoiled chickens pics


13 Years
Jan 23, 2007
N.E. Louisiana
Hi everyone, it's time for the tame dew berries to ripen.Guess who's reaping the benefits,lol?
We have been truly blessed with a wonderful crop of berries this year,I've never seen so many before.
I've picked about a couple of gallons a day & put them in the frig for afternoon treats.

It was funny my MIL was picking & the chickens were stealing them from her bucket...

There's still some out there to ripen,it's crazy...



Yall have a great day,Miriam
Cute pics

Ok, I have to ask, what is a Dew berry? Are they edible for people? They kind of look like a blackberry to me, but I am definitely not an expert on berries, lol!
Hi BrahmaMama, yes they are for people too, there're dew berries.We have wild ones that grow along ditch banks that are smaller,ripen earlier than these do.
There're big this year, bigger than my thumb.
I can't wait for berry picking time here in Michigan! I still have a few months to go. Never had a dew berry before. I don't think they are native here. I really had to laugh when I read about your chickens stealing your mother in laws berries!
They are like blackberries. In the early yrs.==Cameron NC was known as the 'Dewberry Capital'! They are good berries.. wish I could find some plants..Enjoy your bounty...Dixie
Awe how cute. I know ours love our wild blueberry bushes we have growing all over our property. The chickens know right where they are too. If they catch you standing by one, they are right there to recover some yummies.

Cool, thanks for the info!

I just planted a blackberry "stick" and two grape "sticks" I say stick, because I just bought the little boxed plant package from hopefully something comes out of them, lol!
We have a ton of wild berries. I was picking them last month, but now everything is overgrown so it is hard to get to them and I saw a huge snake today. I am thinking about transplanting some to a better spot in my garden. I used them in a cobbler.

They are delicious and free!


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