Best Breed for laying???


11 Years
Jan 29, 2008
Im am ready to order a shipment of peeps and want a last opinion of my fellow BYCer's!!!

I have had good luck with red & black sex links for the past year and a half. but they dont lay well if they dont have a light on in their coop.

I would be willing to stick with the sex links but...a new breed would be a nice change...

sex links are not the sharpest looking breed. cute, but not eye catching...

Any ideas??
Yeah they are cute! I think im going to stick with the sexlinks so ill just add to the amount of layers and stay with the same breed.

Would it be a problem putting young birds in with older birds of the same breed??
I had a gold sex link from Ideal that layed at 16 weeks of age.That was my very first egg and therefore she always has a special place in my heart.She is the smallest hen I have and so I just call her baby girl.
Rhode Island Reds and Leghorns are fantastic layers. Both breeds lay 250 - 300 eggs a year and rarely go broody. Rhode Island Reds are very peaceful and friendly, safe for kids. Rhode Island Red eggs are light brown, jumbo sized while Leghorn eggs are white, medium sized. Leghorns are also peaceful and friendly, but can get quite excited, nervous and noisy. Rhode Island Reds are also heavy dual-purpose birds that also provides superior quality meat.

About putting young chickens with older ones of the same breed, if they are young little chicks, the older chickens have a high possibility of killing them. If they are a little older, they will establish a pecking order with them and will have some slight fights, but not to kill each other. They will eventually stop fighting once the pecking order is fully established.

Good luck!
I wasnt planning on putting the new layers in at a very young age but wait until they are several weeks old.

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