Best breed


Dec 3, 2015
What is the best breed of chicken? What is the tamest breed? We just lost one of our chickens and I'm wanting to get a new one... Any suggestions?
What is the best breed of chicken? What is the tamest breed? We just lost one of our chickens and I'm wanting to get a new one... Any suggestions?

The best breed is very subjective and depends on what you want in a breed. If high egg production is a priority, then White Leghorns (for white eggs) and Sex Links (for brown eggs) are the best layers in the world. They are the hens used by laying houses as they are laying machines that will consistently churn out more than 300 large brown eggs per hen per year. If you want meat birds, then Cornish cross are probably the best way to go. With their fantastic growth rates, they are ready for butchering at 8 weeks.
Based on your second question, I'm thinking that a good temperament is probably your top priority. If so, then I would suggest getting one of the breeds that has a well deserved reputation for being calm and gentle (good lap pets) such as Australorps, Orpingtons, Faverolles, Sussex, Silkies, Brahmas, or Cochins. Keep in mind however that there can always be an exception with any breed. If high egg production is also important as well as temperament, Australorps are the best layers on this list.
My personal favorite chickens are Black Sex Links (Black Stars) as they are very friendly and hardy egg laying machines.
Whatever breed you decide to get, good luck with your flock. :eek:)
Yep. It's a bit like saying what's the best car. Everybody will have a different answer.

For docile breeds friendly with kids we have had australorps, isa Browns and favorelles and all were great and tolerated the kids carting them round. All 3 are also good layers with the first two probably outdoing the favorelles. Myvfavorite follow you everywhere chicken is one of our favorelles though.
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