Best cost effective organic feed


In the Brooder
Mar 3, 2021
Hello! I am new to having chickens and would love some insight on the best way to feed my hens cost effectively. Currently feeding them Scratch and Peck brand feed but it’s pricey. Just started them on oyster shell also. They get scraps everyday and greens. I am interested in learning if it is worth it to farm our own mealworms. We plan on building them a tractor to “free range” them while keeping them away from the food we are trying to grow for ourselves:)
we have isa browns, novagens, barred rocks, and silkies.
Thank you so much in advance! 💗
I grow black soldier fly larvae (easy if you live in the south- they took over my compost before I had chickens) and seeded the backyard lawn with clover (to feed lawn clippings and for limited free range foraging) a 2 foot picket fence will mostly keep them out of your garden (Sell them as rolls at Lowe’s). I found the tractor thing a lot of work and kept throwing out my back. And so much raking of poop. Purina organic isn’t too expensive and seems to get less moldy in our humid climate than other brands we’ve tried. So many bsfl I will dry some for winter.
I am new to having chickens and would love some insight on the best way to feed my hens cost effectively. Currently feeding them Scratch and Peck brand feed but it’s pricey.
The cheapest Organic feed I've seen is Dumor organic at TSC.
I've read it's made by Nature's Best, using TSC specifications. I would buy if I fed organic and Nature's Best was sold out. GC

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