Best FREE ranging/wildish chicken


9 Years
Aug 25, 2010
What breed is the best for freeranging, fend for itslef kind of chicken? One that can sleep in the trees if it wants but is a good layer or broody?
Standard or bantam? I was also thinking egyptian faymous but i read they only do good in warm weather?
Id prefer bantams but not bantam OEG's. But idk if bantam game breeds are really able to live outside when it is warm and fend for them self cuz we do have a couple dogs around but they barely show up, but when they do sometimes its a bird dog so they would have to be good flyers and great at being alert. We also have opposums, raccoons, skunks, coyotes, and foxes. In the cold weather they would be able to be house in a coopp if they chose.
Are they could at getting away from predators? Whats the best color that would kind of blend in to the ground and trees?
I live in MN and my OEGBs do just fine. They are great broodies, and foragers that love to fly.

ETA: They also they about 5 eggs a week, they are amazing chickens! The only minus for me is that the roosters combs get frostbite, but its not a big issue. They overwintered in a non insulated, unheated barn.
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