Best "funky feathered" chicken for our flock? What's YOUR favorite??


9 Years
May 19, 2010
Franklin, TN
We currently have 4 hens we raised in the spring (2 EE & 2 GLW). All healthy, friendly chickens. My daughter (age 8) is dying for some "funky feathered" chickens - meaning cochin, silkie, or something along those lines. I've been reading about a lot of them and it seems that Silkie's have issues roosts & ladders (which would be an problem for us). We've seen the Mille Fleur's which are awfully cute. I'm hoping to get 2 chicks in the spring but was wondering if people had opinions on friendliness, cuteness, hardiness, personalities, etc?
We're in a moderate temperature zone so they don't have to be super cold hardy (Tennessee).
So what are our choices, and why? What's YOUR favorite?
I adore the few silkies I've met but don't have any so can't say from experience.

My cochins are alright, very cute but not very personable, more interested in being broody.

I ADORE my phoenix pair, the male is very sweet, the hen is Ms. personality, has been since she was a chick. Surprisingly she's one of my best layers even in winter in Minnesota! And they're both very pretty.

I also have 2 red shouldered Yokohamas that are gorgeous, I love the contrast between the big chickens and the little ones.

I really like my Brahmas as well. They're very big, but not aggressive at all, they also lay better than I expected which is a plus.

Really I've loved every breed I tried, probably why I have so many now! So I'd say just go with what looks cool to you.
Thanks @ella - some of those I haven't even heard of so my research goes on. The friendliness & hardiness is me talking, but the cuteness factor is all my daughter! She saw one recently with a bit crest feathery thing on top that she went nuts over! We've got plenty of time to research but I figured if we ask now - we'll be able to plan for what we get later. Thanks!
If you want Mille Fleur what about a Mille Cochin. Mine are great, I have one hen in particular who is very much a people chicken. The whole flock is great, but she like people more than other chickens.
The Mille Cochin is fantastic looking - love the colorations and my daughter would love all the feathers on the feet. Now at the top of my list! We really do want hens that are good with people - ours sit on our laps and follow us around. Plus because we live in a downtown area, we have people visiting all the time to see them.
Haaaa, my farm is named "Funky Feathers"! I like the Mille Fleur Cochins (bantam) and Splash Cochins. I love Silkies too but they are expensive, lazy & useless except for show. They don't like to reproduce.
The polish frizzles can be high strung.

Cochins tend to be a bit more laid back than the polish, especially when handled frequently.

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