Best husband ever.... well till he annoys me.


Internally Deranged
10 Years
May 2, 2009
Desert, CA
Hubby spent today building me a bator. He brought home the r-com for the summer (the Science dept has one that they use in 7th grade), but he decided I needed a bigger one so he built me one today, while I was grading papers for report cards. I'm keeping him.
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Total keeper, mine promised a fridge bator weeks ago - now I have an LG because I got tired of waiting, lol. We'll see how he does on the candler - I picked up all the stuff to make it tonight, hehe.
Our son is going deaf, he told me about a week ago he likes the "song" of the courtnix quail (it's crowing), so we're getting him some while he can still hear them.
if you ever need eggs kiddo, you got yerself a misplaced polebilly who'll send your son as many eggs as he wants

I've told you my situation and how it is close to his. He needs anything, or you & mr. saddi, need anything just ask. A3... got it!?!?!?

anytime anyplace anywhere.

to your fam.

Thanks sugar, it means so much that other people are pulling for our little man too.

I just reread the ENTIRE foster care handbook and NOWHERE does it mention chicks, but on the phone today they told me that the bunnies and chicks are "livestock" and can't be in the home. So I'll be calling tomorrow to clarify that one up (during our walkthru of the house NOTHING was said about either), so I'm trying to get a copy of the rule I was cited today. It's being asked to gey rid of my kid's pets or not be allowed to adopt. (Which is a GREAT way to make the older kids hate the baby, "Mom gave away my bunnies and all I got was a stupid sister").

The whole state's gone mad, they won't place unwanted kids here because of 3 chickens and 2 bunnies? But the large cats who poo in a box are fine (note bunnies are also litterbox trained, and live outside).

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