Best plucker for chickens and turkeys?


15 Years
Aug 30, 2009
Mt Repose, OH
My Coop
My Coop
We're in a position to go automated for plucking, which is the best one that will also work for Heritage Turkeys? Something built tough and easy to use, that doesn't damage birds. We're looking at function/longevity over price... wanting one that's worth it.

I was thinking on using it over a tarp and then having a feather screen to catch the feathers but let the water go.

Which plucker makes your life easier?

We're doing the scald in a stock tank, sometimes propane fire and sometimes wood. We have that part pretty well figured out but we're at the quantity now to get those feathers out faster without skinning. Next year we'll have more Bresse available and they're worth plucking.
My next Big purchase will be a plucker.... so many options and most of them appear similar .... so much research to find a good one
I dont have a plucker but wanted to mention something that helps the process, just in case you don't do it already. Washing the birds off with a hose first helps a lot. One, cleaner scalding water, and two getting them good and wet first really helps in the scalding, they scald much quicker and easier.
I dont have a plucker but wanted to mention something that helps the process, just in case you don't do it already. Washing the birds off with a hose first helps a lot. One, cleaner scalding water, and two getting them good and wet first really helps in the scalding, they scald much quicker and easier.
Thanks for the tip, we will start using it asap! My plan is to be able to help the local kids butcher their fair projects(of the feathered varieties anyway) since there is no one local that offers the service on a professional basis. Who knows that may turn into my niche in life?
We have a big stock tank that we fire with either a propane burner or wood, which has enough space in it to slosh them around for a good scald.

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