Best worm treatment/preventative for laying hens and roos?


Aug 27, 2018
Southern Chester County, PA
Hi all, not sure if my flock has a worm problem, but would rather be proactive. I’ve noticed some weight loss in my rooster (though he’s by no means bony) and another rooster with a dry red vent, so I figure it’s time to start them on at least a preventative worm treatment schedule. What is the best dewormer, whether chemical or natural? I would like to avoid egg withdrawal if possible, none are ready for slaughter any time soon. Thank you!
What is the best dewormer, whether chemical or natural?
Take a sample to the vet and get a fecal float. Different medications treat different species. The only worms that may be seen in droppings are large round worms and tape worms and then only under heavy load. All other species stay in the intestines and only their microscopic oocysts (eggs) will pass in droppings.

No such thing as "prevention" here with regards to worming. Once it's been done they could contract worms the next day.

Best thing you can do... remove waste often and keep stock density low.

I saw signs in some birds folks will SWEAR is worms... such as muddy bumm. The vet ran tests and said we were clear. I did not subject my animals to anything unnecessary! And after 10 years... I have not needed to worm.

Getting familiar with YOUR parasite load is key to understanding what the best approach is for YOUR flock. You may need to treat a couple times per year, seasonally.. or not.

What I would suggest is using a flashlight or head lamp and checking for external parasites after dark as this will give you the best overall picture. Part feathers below the vent and on the abdomen and look for crawlies running away. Mites and lice are part of the environment and can tend to make the skin red like you describe on the vent of the rooster. Look for any "mud" clumps hanging onto the feather shafts as those would be eggs. If treatment is needed I far prefer a permethrin based spray. Very effective, affordable, and no egg withdrawal required!

Beware of claims about DE or pumpkin working as wormer. And if you do go with these type... please get before and after species load fecal count to confirm the efficacy of said treatment... and hush the neigh saying scoffers like myself! :cool:

Hope this is helpful. :fl
Getting a fecal test is good to know if you have a worm problem or not. Only roundworms can be seen without a microscope, but chickens can have several types of worms that my not be seen, and no worm eggs can ever be seen.

In chickens most people use fenbendazole or SafeGard liquid goat wormer, Panacur or SafeGard horse wormer, or Valbazen (albendazole) sheep and cattle wormer. Many people will routinely worm their chickens once, twice a year or more often in warm and wet climates. Some vets will not do fecal tests on chickens, or they may insist on seeing the chickens. Once you decide on what to use we can give dosages.

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