Big crops!

Chicken Girl

11 Years
Dec 31, 2008
My 3 week old chickes and the have big crops. All they eat is chicke starter. I gave them apple 1 time. And that was weeks ago! I have been takeing the food away at night cuz it looks gross and i get freaked out. So should i get them grit and if so what kind? They do not seem to be in pain. Thanks for the help!

Chicken Girl
That's one of the scariest-looking things that's absolutely normal with baby chicks. I keep food available all the time for my new chicks, especially while they're so little they're under lights in a brooder box. They sleep & wake all day & night, and could benefit from having food always handy. Older chicks & chickens usually fill up their crops right before roosting at night, and have them empty by morning. As long as your chicks don't act ill or distressed, don't worry about their big bumpy crops.
It is strange, I have to admit. I thought one of my chickens had a tumor when I first noticed her crop lol. For the most part, as long as they act healthy and happy, there's nothing wrong with their crops
I'm still trying to figure out how my runt chicken Lil' Bit doesn't fall flat on her face in the evenings, her crop is so full.
I give mine food 24/7 too (except for now when I am cleaning the feeder) so they can eat whenever they need to.... It does look scary, but mine would usually tank up right before bed, so it's a normal thing...
Patty N. ;-)

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