
13 Years
May 29, 2010
Elgin, TX
Ok I have these two australorps that were wanting in the coop (they were freeranging and didn't want to lay in the boxes outside) so I put them in for a bout 30 min and went back to check on them. They are both 5 months old. One layed the biggest egg of any of my chickens really maybe bigger than I've ever seen. The other laid an egg so small it looks like a quail egg, or the size of one. Here is a pic of the two eggs compared to reg eggs.

The big egg is impressive (the hen collapsed in exhaustion after ward and is in my bathroom recovering) but has anyone ever seen a chicken's first egg so small.
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We just had one of our first eggs exactly that small......and it did NOT have a yolk in it, only the white.....probably that small little egg is missing its yolk. I cooked it up anyway ! but it was a bit hard to crack open being so small. That is one cute egg.....
Wow we were wandering what it looked like on the inside if it was a completely miniature egg. I'll let you know when we crack it open. It's so weird that it might even be smaller than a quail egg. I really do hope it has a yolk. The fun I would have frying it.
Well I'm really curious what tomm will bring. I don't know if I want bigger eggs or If it'd be cool to have a chicken that lays tiny eggs. I may take a better pics

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