BIN 10 Lovely White Showgirl eggs Ends 5/20 at 9 PM


9 Years
Sep 14, 2010
Keokuk, Iowa
This sale ends 5/20 at 9 PM and will ship 5/21 Shipping costs will be $15.00
PayPal only sale. PM me to buy and I will send My Pay Pal addy.

I am offering 10 of my pure white Showgirl eggs for hatching. All have had good toes and big topknots. I have a white bearded Silkie roo in with 5 White bowtied Showgirl hens. So you will hatch both Silkies and Showgirls.

Please don't post sold to the listing. PM me to purchase. thank you.

I can ship to most of the lower 48 states. I cannot ship to Mennesota, Canada, Hawaii or internationally. If unsure about egg shipping in your state PM me and I will look it up.

Please understand that shipping maybe hard on hatching eggs so I am not liable for them once they leave my hands.
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