BIN- Meal Worms-live, fat and healthy!


The Crazy Chicken Lady
Apr 22, 2008
upstate SC
This is a Buy It Now sale.

You, too, could make your chickens fall madly in love with you.
Or feed your reptiles a healthy snack!
Wild birds flock to your feeders when these are offered.

Meal worms are easy to feed, easy to raise for future feeding or put in the fridge for feeding through the next few weeks. The meal worms stay inside a plastic container or tub and can not climb out. If you decide to let them pupate and become beetles to provide you with more meal worms in a few months then rest assured the beetles do not fly and can not escape into your home to run rampant.

Everyone likes that mine do so very well once they get them and my support and customer service is outstanding.
If you would like to consider me for meal worms then my price list is as follows:

1000 for $16
2000 for $27
3000 for $35
4000 for $45
5000 for $55

These prices do include shipping. They come in a designer bag crafted by BYC's hannakat with fruit/veggies and bread for the trip. Other places add nothing for their worms in transit. I also try to add more than the actual count so you will get a fabulous start in this adventure or have longer to feed them out to your pets.

Visit my web page for ideas and info to help you get started or see how I raise mine. And please visit our thread here on BYC to learn more about them.

I take PayPal or Money Orders.
Thank you for looking and I hope I can be of service to you!
If I don't feed them to my chicks or chickens then they usually start to pupate after maturing around 10-15 weeks old, longer in cooler temps. Once they pupate it is about 10 days to 2 weeks and they emerge as a beetle and soon start laying eggs which hatch in about 2 weeks and grow up to be meal worms. It is a cool life cycle.
You can refrigerate your meal worms for several weeks but I have never done it as I just like keeping my bins running and provide fresh treats to my chicks.
The meal worm thread here on BYC has tons of info.
Thank you everyone that PM'd me with orders. At this time I am starting to run low on my meal worms and have to wait until others grow up enough so I can fill more orders.

No, Stephanie, they are just regular sized meal worms. Not super worms or giants. They get big but not like I have seen those big ones grow out.

I can do a count of 500, not a problem.

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