I split an order of 10 rainbow variety chicks from McMurray with a friend this past spring. One of the chicks (my friend kept) is a blue andalusian. I got a feisty black bird, and I'm not sure if she's a minorca or an andalusian. In my vast experience
(two orders) McMurray tends to send duplicates in their orders more than single birds of one breed, so based on that logic I'm thinking my black girl is an andalusian. She's shiny greenish-black with an enormous comb, black legs, and her earlobes show a little white under a lot of black.
Does anyone have black andalusian pullets/hens with black-washed white earlobes? Is there any way to tell a difference between minorcas and andalusians?

Does anyone have black andalusian pullets/hens with black-washed white earlobes? Is there any way to tell a difference between minorcas and andalusians?