Black Australorp?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Oct 1, 2010
Southern New Hampshire
I have several of these from a rainbow layer mix. Some have slate legs, some have yellow. Some have a couple of white feathers and some are all black. What do you think?

Is it a sex link? I thought sometimes the australorps had a little white but molted out all black. I have some black with red or brown in them. I thought those were the sex links. These don't have any brown at all. All help in identifying the breeds is much appreciated.
Umm, this bird is all black.

Are the white feathers just immature or do you think it is actually mottling?

And, is the second photo what you call slate? It looks like something else to me.

The yellow legged black I'm not sure of, but the second one may be a Jersey Giant. Are its soles white or yellow?
I'm really new to this and not sure of the correct terminology. These chickens are all 7 weeks old. They are part of rainbow layers from McMurray. The white feathers only show from the rear. they are the bottom feathers on the wing. Does that make sense? Some of the black chickens have those white feathers and some do not. They all have some white on their face. They are also a little smaller than the other chickens. The legs on the first chicken are gray and black. On the second chicken they are yellow and black.
Ah, then the white feathers are nothing to worry about - They're just baby feathers and will soon fall out and be replaced with solid black feathers.

Slate legs are light grey with pink/white soles.

I'm pretty sure those are Black Australorps.
We have four black Australorps. They are wonderful! Great disposition and the egg-laying is great too! Mine just turned 24 weeks and we started getting eggs about 10 days ago!

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