Black Copper Maran coloring


6 Years
Mar 29, 2018
Burley Idaho
I am currently hatching some black copper Maran eggs. Is it possible that the chicks have a lot of yellow down, or if they do, have I got mixed breed eggs? On of the first two to hatch is almost fifty-fifty yellow and black. Wondering If I got duped when I bought my eggs.
I am currently hatching some black copper Maran eggs. Is it possible that the chicks have a lot of yellow down, or if they do, have I got mixed breed eggs? On of the first two to hatch is almost fifty-fifty yellow and black. Wondering If I got duped when I bought my eggs.
My Marans usually have some pale yellow and white on their chest, a little on the face and sometimes on their bellies. I have found that the chicks that are all black on the face make the most beautiful pullets (assuming they are girls). 2 of my productive hens are almost all black with one with very light coppering on the neck but my other, she is pure black and lays me the most beautiful dark brown egg. My treasure, Ebony! I love all my BCM chickens though. I doubt you got duped with the eggs. Post some pics. for us to look at but don't be discouraged, not yet!
Not all Marans are feathered. French are, American aren't.

Outside of cuckoo marans, are there that many marans varieties that are not typically feather footed? The Marans Club of America has a bit of info regarding the history of cuckoo marans and the leg/foot feathering (standard calls for feathering):

Excerpt about cuckoo marans:

"The cuckoo Marans was the only variety in the U.S.until the last few years....The Hopkins Marans were feather shanked and the Fitch Marans were clean shanked so the off spring were both clean and feather shanked birds."

Which makes it sound like this is only a cuckoo marans issue.

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