Black Copper Marans


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jan 16, 2012
I bought 5 week old chicks back in January and got 1 roo and 4 pullets.. Now here we all are in November and they haven't started laying at all. My understanding is most start laying at around 20 to 24 weeks. Any ideas why mine aren't laying at near 40 weeks?
Wow! That's too old to not be laying. Do you happen to free range? If so, go on an egg hunt, and SOON! There is a big stinky cache of eggs on your property somewhere.

If you don't free range, I would check health, is it worms? Are their combs pale?

My 3rd guess would be a rat snake or something else stealing eggs.

They are not free range and I have 4 other breeds in the pen with them that are a bit younger and are laying.

I don;t know how to tell if they have worms. Should I just worms them to be safe?

Their combs are still a bit pale
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2 telltale signs of worms are 1) low egg production 2) pale combs. Although it would be odd for just your Marans to have the worms. Perhaps their combs are pale because they have not reached POint of Lay yet... Also, if you worm them, you must toss their eggs for a few weeks, so keep that in mind before treating.
Okay thanx. I guess I just need a little patience.. Never a strong point of mine. *:L*

As I said patience is not a strong suit.

I found this today. My first BCM egg

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