black jersey giants and the space they need when grown


In the Brooder
12 Years
Sep 6, 2007
Montrose Colorado
we are building a coop and need to know how big for nesting boxes and for perches. these girls get big, how high can they go for their perches . thank you for all your input
Actually you make a good point. They do get big. I ordered some due to arrive this week, i guess i might need to make adjusments for when there full grown.
Hopefully someone will be able to help us out.
So I had all these same questions and talked to Zunibee about them. This is what we came up with.

1 perch 2' off the floor, no higher since they are so big you don't want them jumping down and hurting themselves.

Chicken door should be 18" high, I think mine is 14" wide.

Nesting boxes are going to be 18"x18"x18" when I finally get them built. My Jerseys are still chicks so I'm not in any big hurry.

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