Black oil sunflower seeds and runny poop.. Common and is it bad?


9 Years
Mar 21, 2010
Alta Vista , KS
Ok so i started giving my flock some mixed seed for a treat and they now have a flock block out in the run as well. after about 4 days one got poop that loks just like tar. Now a few more have it. Im assuming its the BOSS. will this start to hurt them?
I started mine a couple of weeks ago on BOSS, haven't seen any problems. Maybe they're getting into something else? Or maybe too much BOSS? You feed it free-choice?
How Much BOSS are you giving them? Boss has a lot of Oil in them but you would have to be giving a lot for them to get runny poop from it....

Hmmm... Thats probly it. It is in the flock block that sits in their run, so i guess that would be free choice. Can you get flock blocks without BOSS in it?
Good thread. I'd like to grow my own sunflowers for feed.

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