Black oil sunflower seeds


5 Years
Sep 10, 2019
Is it ok to use a grinder and grind up black oil sunflower seeds? Will they still eat the shell and the seed? I'm wanting to make my own feed of crushed sunflower seeds,crushed pumpkin seeds, craked corn and mealworms mixed in for the winter months. Any help is appreciated!!
Is it ok to use a grinder and grind up black oil sunflower seeds? Will they still eat the shell and the seed? I'm wanting to make my own feed of crushed sunflower seeds,crushed pumpkin seeds, craked corn and mealworms mixed in for the winter months. Any help is appreciated!!
I feed the following as intact seeds; BOSS, squash, pumpkin, watermellon, shell corn, wheat, oats, and millet /milo. The birds will also choke down acorns of Red Oak and White Oak trees. Grit need to be supplied. Such a diet may not work well with immature members of faster growing breeds as they need a more refined diet to pass through and be absorbed quickly enough.

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