Black or Blue? Laced Red Wyandottes


10 Years
Jul 14, 2009
The Beautiful Pacific NW ,WA
A while back I picked up a few chicks from a local breeder in hopes they would be Black Laced Red Wyandottes. I have 3 pullets left and now that they're coming into their colors more I am becoming a bit disappointed because I think they may be Blue Laced instead of Black Laced like I wanted.

They look dark blue and all have dark blue underfluff. These are my first BLRW's so I don't REALLY know how a black laced should look.

Here's pictures of the 3 girls...

#1 - Does this one looks like it might be mixed??


#3, probably the nicest looking one.
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I don't think the breeder had any of those but he did have a lot of Dorking chicks and said there was a small chance some could be mixed. I will probably only keep the bigger chick since these are all blue instead of black.
I don't think they're pure either. I have a black BLRW who is almost 5 weeks and she has lacing but no stripes like your top two girls have.
I agree the bottom one is the only pure laced bird. The others show a partridge type influence and won't lace out properly.
The bottom one is the only one that looks like it could possibly be a pure golden lace to me. The other two....I have no idea. I honestly don't think any of them are pure.

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