Black Pygmy Goat No longer for sale.


11 Years
Aug 16, 2008
I have no clue what kind she is, all I know is she is full grown. We are asking $30 for her.

Here is the best picture I have of her right now. There is a possibility that she could be pregnant, but we aren't sure. We do not know how hold she is. She came with the two boer goats we purchased. She was supposed to be my pet, but I have enough going on taking care of my chickens and other poultry and my husband only wants to work with the boer goats.

She is very timid of people.

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Yes she would! LOL she's about the size of a medium sized dog.
Yes she would! LOL she's about the size of a medium sized dog.

So smaller than my 128lb rottweiler? Do you feed hay or grain too? Any idea how much hay she would eat over the winter? A bale a week?
Don't nubian's get a lot bigger than that??? She's full grown and only stand about 2 feet tall.
Well, I may have a buyer for her, but since I am confused on what she may be, I am not going to sell her until I know for sure. I do not want to be misleading about what she is, but I honestly don't know.

I did contact the people we purchased her from and are waiting to hear back from them.
She's not full Nubian. She's either half Nubie or half Boer, my guess, mixed with a miniature breed.

She is adorable, none the less. I wouldn't worry about correctly marketing her...just call her a crossbred doe and leave it at that. You're asking WAY under market, it doesn't really matter. I love the black lightbellies...I'm sure with a little time and attention she'll make someone a nice pet.

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