Black sex link info. needed for special project

Georgia Boy 1970

9 Years
Feb 3, 2010
Northeast Ga. Banks County
I am wanting to breed some black sex links that are a little different than your regular hatchery black sex links. The males will be used in a project that I am working on. I will be using barred rock hens and the males that I will be using are golden laced polish and a red crested red polish. I also want to use a buff laced polish but I am wanting to to know how dominant white from the buff laced polish will work with this cross. Or will the buff laced polish male X barred rock female cross be a sex link cross? What can I expect from these 3 matings? I am wanting black barred sex link males. Any info. would greatly be appreciated. Thanks
Yes, When using the Buff laced Polish roo, the Dominant white will cover the barring, giving you solid white birds, however the males will still be barred and the females will be non barred, but it will just be masked and you won't be able to tell the difference.

The Golden Laced and the Red Crested Red will work though for producing visually sexable chicks though.

Would you share with us what your goal is with the project?
Yes, I started this project this year. My first cross was easter egger males(of various colors)to polish hens(of various colors) and polish males(of various colors)to easter egger hens(of various colors). And I also bred a buff orpington male to my polish hens. My f1 pullets from these will divided into 2 groups. One group will be bred to the f1 males and the black barred sex link males(rotating them). The second group will be bred back to bearded polish males. My goal is a larger bird (size of an easter egger), decent size crest (not the size of a polish,because they will be free ranged birds), broodiness, and like the easter eggers come in a range of colors. I like that about the easter eggers, each hatch is a suprise of color. This is not an attempt to create a new breed, but combine some of the qualities that I like about my favorite breeds. When I get the time I will be posting pics of my f1 chicks. I would really like your opinions or comments. Thanks
Cool, Sounds fun. And the beards seem to be dominant traits so if your using Bearded Polish and Bearded EEs, you should have it. Good luck and please post pics when you have them.

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