Black Sexlink, Australorp or Barred Rock?

I've had a lot of confusion with a chick I got from a bin labelled "commercial black pullet"... lol She has a dot on her head, like a sexlink, and the term "commercial" made a few people think "sexlink", which would of coure make my chick (and most of the other in that pullet bin) a MALE!

However, I was relieved to hear that these "Commercial Black pullets" are not sexlinks at all, but are an Australorp cross, that will turn out to be a lot like an Australorp (according to the hatchery that sent them to TSC).

Pics of my chick, etc:
Cackle Hatchery's photos of day-old chicks:

(My australorps had less yellow/white than that - but they did not look like your chicks)

Black Sex-Links (girls are on the left, boys are on the right)

If they are, in fact, BSL's, then I'd say they're males. But they could be something else.

What people are saying about an australorp cross sounds like your chick might definitely be one of those.

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