- Apr 14, 2015
- 13
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- 84
April 2, I purchased 5 black chicks sold as Australorps. However as of last week I noticed that a few of the five were getting a copperish color on the breast area and some on the neck. I noticed that they sold black sex links there and these were looking more like that could be the case, however a couple of them I didn't see any copper on them. All have single comb yellow combs and one has an all black comb. Looking at pictures of Australorp chicks, not what mine looked like. Mine were all black with just a little white fluff underneath. Which has now faded away. This picture was taken tonight. Any thoughts on my assumption? If they are BSL can I be confident that they are in fact all pullets? I have more pictures but having a heck of a time getting them to post. Thank you.
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