Black Sore On Chicken Pics What is it?


9 Years
Nov 11, 2010
Hello, I am new to raising chickens, and most of mine have developed black sores on their combs and wattles.

1) What is this?

2) How can I treat it?

3) Is it safe to eat the eggs?

Thank you for your help.
Looks like fowl pox. Chickens can get that from mosquitos. Really, it just has to run it's course. If you google or search fowl pox, you might find some things you can do to make them more comfortable.

Doesn't look real bad on the chicken in the pic.........
Black sores on combs and wattles...fowl pox. It's a virus transmitted by mosquitos and you'll have to let it run its course. It'll take about a month more or less to disappear. You can put iodine on the nodules or soon to form scabs to help dry them up. It is not contageous to humans, it is contageous to other chickens. The eggs are safe to eat. You can type 'fowl pox' in the search box and read more on it if you wish.
Looks like fowl pox. One of mine just had it. Nothing to do unless you want to put neosporin on them to keep them from getting infected. I didn't do anything other than keep an eye on it. There is another form called wet pox that is nasty stuff. You can do a search on here about fowl pox. It was helpful to me.
It might be fowl pox like chicmom suggested or it may just be dried blood for a minor injury to the comb. Either way the eggs are fine to eat. Since you have several chickens with the same sort of thing I'd think fowl pox is the most likely though injury is still possible, especially if the roosting space is on the tight side and they're fussing with each other a lot at bed time.

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