Black stringy thing on Turkey Chest


16 Years
Apr 16, 2008
Northeast, MA
Does anyone know what this is called? It looks like a clump of string rope hanging off the front of the chest of male turkeys. Silly question but I want to know what to call it (right now we call it the fishing lure).
Hi there. I just wanted to point out that although the beard does often signify that the turkey is a male. That is not always the case. Some males don't have beards and more frequently some female turkeys do have beards. It is actually somewhat common for the wild turkeys here in Maine.

not trying to contradict you just wanted to make sure you heard about that.

Have a nice day everyone !
My black spanish hens all have beards and they all strut around right beside the toms. They are the only breed of turkeys that I have had that grow beards and strut like a tom....................
Yep, it's called a beard.
Males are more likely to have one, but females can too! My Blue Slate girl has a nice 4-inch one.
Meanwhile my male keeps wearing his off 'doing his duty.'
My Royal palm hen struts too. When we first got them we couldn't tell which was the hen. She tries to thump too. its so funny because it comes out flat instead of the rolling sound. Crystal

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